
Constitution of Pharmacy London

1. Pharmacy London’s purpose is to facilitate the collaborative interests of Local Pharmaceutical Committees in representing Community Pharmacy Contractors in London and in serving the population of the Greater London area.

2. Membership is open to all Greater London LPC’s.

3. LPC Members shall be represented on Pharmacy London by their CEOs/Secretaries, and one other member (normally the Chair or Vice-Chair). Observers are allowed to attend the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman.

4. Observers may participate in discussions, but do not have voting rights.

5. The elected Officers shall consist of: a) Chair b) Vice-Chair c) Chief Executive Officer d) Treasurer The Officers of Pharmacy London should be appointed from within the Pharmacy London membership.

6. All Officers shall be elected, by simple majority ballot, at the Annual General Meeting of Pharmacy London, or when the tenure of the incumbent officer(s) concludes

7. All elected officers shall normally serve a three-year term, with the maximum period of office being two periods of three years.

8. Elected officers shall be entitled to an honorarium and/or expenses, as approved annually by Pharmacy London as advised by the Governance Committee.

9. Pharmacy London shall recruit such executive staff as deemed necessary for the delivery of its business plan, working within its budget and agreed fee and expenses structure.

10. Pharmacy London members appointed to act on behalf of Pharmacy London shall be entitled to claim expenses at the same rate as agreed for Officers.

11. A minimum of 4 meeting a year must be held, including an AGM, which should be held no later than 6 months after the end of Pharmacy London’s working year, which will normally be March 31st.

12. Each LPC in membership is allowed one vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.

13. The quorum for meetings is 50% of the number of member LPCs, plus one.

14. This Constitution can be changed by a 2/3rd majority of LPC Members of Pharmacy London, present and voting at any General Meeting.

15. Membership rights shall be conditional on LPC Pharmacy London fees being paid in full; such fees to be paid no later than 3 calendar months of the date of invoice.

16. Pharmacy London must address at all times its terms of reference, including work with LPCs, London Agencies, and local and national political bodies

17. During discussions at Pharmacy London, members may be party to confidential information, which should not be shared with outside bodies, including other LPCs, without the agreement of Pharmacy London

18. Pharmacy London LPC members, and individuals who represent member LPCs at Pharmacy London meetings, must at all times follow any agreed Code of Conduct established by Pharmacy London embracing the Seven Principles of Public Life.